Ant Control Melbourne

Affordable Treatments For Ants

Ant Control Melbourne

Looking for effective ant control in Melbourne, Victoria? Ants can be annoying when they get into your home! They march around in search of food and water, sometimes in really big groups. Getting rid of them for good can be hard with normal bug sprays from the store.

Here at Eco Pest Control Melbourne, we are experts at making ants go away and not come back. We have been doing pest control for over 10 years in Melbourne. All our technicians are fully trained and use safe products that are ok for families and pets. We can get rid of ants nesting inside or outside your home. We know all the best places they like to hide and will find their nests. Then we use special baits, sprays, and dust to make the entire colony die off.

After treatment, we check the house again to make sure all the ants are gone for good. Our service has a 6 month warranty too.

Call us today to get rid of your ant problem!

Phone: 03 8595 9880

Why Ants Are Considered Pests?

Ants become a problem when they get into houses and yards and eat our food supplies. There are ways you can eliminate ants that bug you. Keeping things clean so they have less to eat can help. Using sprays, powders, and traps works too. Which method works best depends on what kind of ant is causing trouble.

Health Risks Of Ants

Most ants don’t directly hurt people, but having them around can cause problems.

Here’s some ways ant can mess with your health:

  • Some ants bite or sting, which is painful, itchy, and might cause allergic reactions. Fire ant does this a lot.
  • Ants can contaminate food and kitchen stuff, leading to food-borne illnesses from the germs and dirt they leave behind.
  • Carpenter ants can cause structural damage to parts of your house made from wood. This can make your home unsafe over time.

It’s important to remove them quickly before they make you or your family sick or ruin parts of your house.

Our Ant Control Process

We have a thorough system to get ants out of homes and businesses everywhere in Melbourne. Our experts use lots of methods to fully check for ant, find their nests, and kill off whole colonies.

  1. Careful Inspections: We look everywhere they might hide, like in kitchens, on carpets, in gardens, trees, and foundation cracks. This shows us how bad the problem is.
  2. Strategic Ant Traps: We put out traps with ant food mixed with pesticide near where they walk and nest. Worker ants take the bait back to their queen and nest which kills all.
  3. Outdoor Spray Barrier: We spray insect-killing liquids around the border of your home. This stops new ant from getting inside and starting more nests.
  4. Follow-Up Checks: After treatment we come back to recheck everything and make sure every last ant is gone for good. We also give tips on keeping them away in the future.

Types of Ants We Commonly Find Around Melbourne

Types of Ants We Commonly Find Around Melbourne

Australia has over 1,300 ant species! Here are some of the most common ants we deal with in Melbourne homes:

Carpenter Ant (Camponotus sp)

This ant chews through wood and can damage parts of your home. They grow from 3 to 12 mm long.

Big Headed Ant (Pheidole megacephala)

This small golden brown less than 5 mm long multiplies very fast. Their huge heads help give them this nickname.

Jumper Ant (Myrmecia gulosa)

These mean ants will actually jump at you! Their stings and bites hurt a lot.

Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile)

These tiny dark brown ant reaching 2-3 mm long swarm kitchens and pantries searching for sweet foods.

6 Clues You Have An Ant Infestation

  1. Ants marching inside or outside your house.
  2. A line of ants following each other to meal or their nest.
  3. Big piles of dirt outside that hide ant hills.
  4. Ants getting on or around any food left out.
  5. Old ant wings found on floors, walls, ledges, or near doors.
  6. Ant nests living inside trees in your yard.

If you see any of these things happening at your home, it likely means ant have moved in! Getting ant pest control help quickly will keep them from taking over.

How To Stop Ants From Coming Back

Easy Ways To Protect Your Home

It’s good to know some simple things you can do to help avoid ants from becoming a problem in the first place. Here are handy tips our pest control experts recommend trying on your own:

  • Seal up cracks and small holes so they can’t sneak inside
  • Sprinkle cinnamon powder – they hate the smell!
  • Fix any leaky pipes and dry out damp areas
  • Keep kitchen very clean and tidy so ants aren’t attracted
  • Store all food tightly in sealed containers
  • Clean gutters so they don’t hold water
  • At night, put away any pet food dishes
  • Trim back outside plants so they don’t touch house
  • Mow lawn short to remove thick cover ants like
  • Remove fallen fruit from around trees
  • Cut back bottom growth of bushes to eliminate hiding spots

Following these steps makes it much less likely ants will want to come into your home at all. But if an infestation starts, call the us right away for help wiping out the pests!

How To Stop Ants From Coming Back


How much does professional ant control cost?

The exact cost depends on factors like the size of your home. But you can expect a reasonable price starting at around $149 for interior and exterior ant treatment.

How fast will ants be gone after treatment?

It may take a few weeks for our ant baiting methods to fully work. Ant should significantly decrease after the initial service as colonies are eliminated.

Will you come back if ants return?

Yes! Our warranties range from 3 to 6 months for them. We will come for free follow-up treatments if they happen to return during that period.

Do we have to leave during ant extermination?

No, our products are completely safe for people and pets. No need to vacate the home during service.

Why do ants keep coming into my house?

They need water and food sources. They may be attracted to crumbs, moist wood, water leaks, or other attractive spots both outside and within your home. Identifying and removing these factors is key.

What kind of mess does your ant treatment make?

We take great care to ensure treatment is clean and minimally disruptive. Some minor residue from surface sprays or dusts may occur. We wipe down any noticeable deposits after finishing.

Our Ant Control Services

  • Ants Control
  • Interior Ant Treatment
  • Exterior Ant Treatment
  • Nest Removal
  • Ant Barrier
  • Baiting Strategies
  • Residential & Commercial Property Services

Why Choose Us for Ant Control?

  • Family-Owned Melbourne Business
  • Technicians Fully Licensed
  • Use Green & Eco-Friendly Products
  • Compliant to Australian Standard
  • Affordable & Fair Prices
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 10+ Years Experience
  • Fast Response Times

Locations We Cover

We offer professional ant pest control services in all suburbs across Melbourne and surrounding areas, including:

  • Melbourne CBD
  • Northern Suburbs
  • Western Suburbs
  • Southern Suburbs
  • Eastern Suburbs

Affordable Treatments For Ants

Contact Us!

To schedule high quality ant extermination services, call us or complete our online request form. Our pest control company looks forward to eliminating your frustrating ant issues!