Why Pest Control is Vital for Your Home

Importance Of Pest Control

Let’s have a real talk about pests. Dealing with creepy crawlers and disease-carrying bugs invading your space is no one’s idea of a good time. But avoiding professional pest control service because it seems inconvenient or expensive can cause way worse problems down the road.

Pest issues only multiply if left alone. And they can put your home, health, food, and finances at major risk in the process. By stopping pests in their tracks with professional pest control, you create critical protections for what matters most.

Read on for details on the major dangers and how targeted solutions mitigate them.

1. Pests Destroy Your Home in Many Ways

From termites munching through structures to rats biting electrical cords, pests can create safety hazards and prompt exorbitant repair bills.

Structural Destruction

  • Termites alone cause $5 billion in damage to property every year in Australia
  • They feast on wood materials like wall frames and support beams
  • This extensive internal damage significantly weakens foundations and can make buildings prone to collapse

Rats also love to gnaw through all kinds of materials, including:

  • Electrical wiring
  • Insulation
  • Wall boards
  • Wood structures

Their chewing antics fray and destroy these components critical for structural integrity. Rats can also spark dangerous fires from chewing through electrical wires.

The average cost to repair a rat infestation runs $500-$1,500. Ongoing issues over months or years skyrockets costs into the thousands.

2. Illness Outbreaks from Pests Spread Rapidly

Pests aren’t just problematic because of property damage – they commonly transmit nasty and even deadly diseases too:

  • Mosquitos transmit Zika virus, Malaria, Dengue Fever, West Nile, and encephalitis
  • Ticks pass Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis
  • Fleas spread murine typhus, plague and tapeworms

According to the World Health Organization, mosquito-borne diseases lead to over 1 million human deaths annually. Many more individuals are sickened but recover.

Treating these severe illnesses frequently requires extensive medical intervention, not cheap over-the-counter meds. Hospitalisation, specialists, labs, and medications drive up costs exponentially.

3. Food Contamination Causes Waste and Higher Prices

Ever open a box or bag to find it crawling with tiny bugs? Or spot mouse droppings around your pantry? Pests ruin about 20% of the global food supply through direct contamination and consumption.

When pests taint food meant for human or livestock consumption, it becomes hazardous waste. Contaminated items must be disposed, meaning that time, money and resources invested into production are lost.

This supply destruction also drives up prices as scarcity increases. For homes with pest issues, contaminated food must be thrown out and replaced, becoming a burden.

Proteins and produce are frequent targets, but pests will crawl through anything including:

  • Grains
  • Baked goods
  • Canned & jarred items
  • Spices and condiments

sealing packages thoroughly prevents some intrusion but cannot stop all types of pests. Many chew straight through plastic, cardboard, and foil lining.

4. Pests Can Trigger Severe Allergy & Asthma Symptoms

People often focus on the health risks of diseases from pests but overlook how they can severely exacerbate respiratory issues. Cockroaches and dust mites top the list of allergy triggers and asthma attacks. Allergic reactions cause:

  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Red, itchy skin reactions
  • Sinus pressure and headaches
  • Constant sneezing fits

For those highly sensitive, coming into contact with critters or remnants like skin castings may require urgent medical treatment if swelling and breathing difficulties become too severe.

Protect Your Pets From Harm

5. Protect Your Pets From Harm

Natural predators help manage wild pests, but residential critters put house pets at risk too. They carry diseases transmissible to cats and dogs, plus parasites that infest fur and skin.

Fleas, ticks, flies, insects and rats transmit bartonella, leptospirosis, campylobacteriosis and giardia. Parasites like heartworm, tapeworm and hookworm bloody stool, weight loss, vomiting, coughing, and impaired breathing.

Pet owners end up paying the price at the veterinary ER. Protective pest control steps make a safer home for furry friends.

6. Pest Prevention Saves Money Over Time

Sure, calling an exterminator costs money upfront. But looking at the financial fallout pest destruction causes makes that investment seem minimal.

  • Structural repairs from termite damage runs several thousand dollars on average
  • Hospital visits for serious mosquito and tick-borne disease quickly exceeds $10,000
  • Replacing contaminated food month after month is hundreds of dollars down the drain
  • Vet bills to treat pet illnesses caused by pests add up quickly too

Spending $500-800 annually for pest control to hedge against five and six figure catastrophe scenarios? That’s smart financial sense.

7. Enjoy Your Home Pest-Free & Stress-Free

Nothing curtails relaxing at home faster than spotting roaches scuttling around your kitchen, mosquitos buzzing in your ear as you sleep or mice scampering through ceilings at night. The vigilance takes a mental toll.

But consistent pest management allows you to fully enjoy your living space again without worries over vermin invaders. Regular exterior and interior treatments let you reclaim peace of mind.

Our pest control experts leverage advanced techniques to hunt down where pests hide and breed, stopping them at the source.

8. Safeguard Nature Against Destructive Species

Pests like fungus eating beetles, emerald ash borers and wooly adelgids lack natural predators in new environments. Unchecked, they devastate trees, other flora and even water safety.

Gypsy moth caterpillars alone can blanket over 1,000 square miles of forest in a single season. They defoliate immensely wide swaths of land in their wake. Such rapid decimation throws local ecosystems into chaos.

Environmentally integrated pest control curtails mass damage from occurring by intervening at key trigger points in breeding cycles. The most effective programs combine multiple tools tailored to the target species.

Why is Pest Control Important?

Take Control Before It’s Too Late

As you can see, letting pest numbers increase without control creates big risks. It threatens your home’s safety, human health, food, money, lifestyle and environment.

Don’t wait for pest infestation. Call pest experts now to inspect everything and make a custom plan. Their prevention and treatments will shield your house from problems getting worse over time.

You’ll sleep better knowing pest control professionals protect your property whether it’s a residential or commercial setting. Call us at 03 8595 9880 to ask about a free check-up. Or go to our website to schedule through our online calendar. Our proper pest control method will keep common pests at bay.

Fun Fact:

Even ants can cause health havoc. While typically more annoying than harmful, carpenter ants can transmit pest borne diseases leading to skin irritations, gastrointestinal issues or respiratory problems in sensitive individuals. Stopping trails and nests prevents exposure and associated health issues.